The Playgoer: Spam email of the day

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Friday, July 14, 2006

Spam email of the day

So much for what I thought might have been an invitation to see Stanley Tucci as Charles Bukowski! Or would that be more nonsensical...

Brikowski (Stanley Tucci) as well as the infamous

Austin Skaggs to playgirl1970

Are you spening too much on your RX#sDedicated Licensed Pharmaci^stssave#up to 69 http://nqwu> 62813575Austin Skaggssuch as pausing events or which grossed about $50 million constant surveillance by relentless Detective them while finding a place The hospital priest presents Thorn with another he opens up a world she With the help of their best friends Superman Returns The idea behind "The Da Vinci Codeif you ask him, a result of his terrible ingredients Stealth and The Island How far would you go to live your dreams

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