The Playgoer: Pinter on TV

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Pinter on TV

Thanks to George Hunka for pointing us over the weekend to a recent Harold Pinter interview on BBC. Definitely Pinter in a lighter vein, "up close and personal" and all, but a must for fans.

Best bits: his reminiscences of Beckett (about halfway through) and, at the very end, a reading he does (with Rupert Graves) of his new play! Don't get excited, it's only 90 seconds long. But if you ever wondered what a Pinteresque cell phone conversation would sound like, check it out.

(Aren't all cell phone calls Pinteresque, you ask?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's lots of fine theatre being produced by the UK's emerging acts including along the style of the League of Gentlemen only more absurd, the North of England "Komedy Kollective" are worth checking out at if you so dare. Cloves of garlic are essential. Don't say you have not been warned.